Public Notice-Request For Proposal for Janitorial Services 

Invitation for Proposals

The Housing Authority of The City of Augusta, Georgia will receive proposals in the J. Madden Reid Administration Building, 1435 Walton Way, Augusta, Georgia 30901 until 4:00 P.M., (local time) in Augusta, Georgia on Friday, January 19, 2024, for The Janitorial Services Contract for the J. Madden Reid Administration Building and the T. Allen Childs Maintenance Administration Building, The Janitorial Services Contract for the Area Offices and Community Buildings, The Janitorial Services Contract for Ervin Tower Apartments, The Janitorial Services Contract for Hal Powell Apartments, The Janitorial Contract for M. M. Scott Midrise, The Janitorial Contract for Peabody Apartments, and The Janitorial Services Contract for the Youth Sports Center at Dogwood Terrace, The Janitorial Services Contract for the Dogwood Terrace Office, Augusta, Ga. All proposers will be evaluated as to quality and completeness of proposal. The successful proposer will be informed of their selection no later than March 5, 2024. This proposal is for ALL properties stated above. Please turn in each individual site proposal form along with a single copy of the proposal package to make a complete proposal, equating to one contract. ***Please note, there will be a limited term on The Janitorial Services Contract for the Dogwood Terrace Office. ***

Contract documents, including all specifications, are on file at the office of The Housing Authority of The City of Augusta, Georgia, 1435 Walton Way. Proposal documents may be obtained at and click on “Public Notice” then to “Invitation for Proposal” to download all packages needed for the complete proposal or you can request the proposal at the office of Planning and Development, The Housing Authority of The City of Augusta, Georgia, 1435 Walton Way, (706) 312-3165.

Proposers are requested to inspect the property as well as operations and conditions that may be affected. Arrangements shall be made for inspecting the site by contacting the Housing Authority Planning and Development Department, Dr. Gregory Francisco, Director at (706) 312-3165.

 The Contract, if awarded, will be on the result of evaluations of the proposer’s submission. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on date of proposal opening.

The successful proposer will be required to show proof that his/her firm and all employees possess proper security bonds, and all the applicable insurance requirements in accordance with the General Conditions.

Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity and to the requirement that not less than minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the specifications must be paid on this project. The work to be performed under this contract is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C.1701u (Section 3). The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low-and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipient of HUD assistance for Housing. The Housing Authority of The City of Augusta, Georgia has established a goal of awarding 20% of the dollar value of contracts to Section #3. General contractors may contact the Georgia Department of Labor, Veteran Outreach Program at 601 Greene Street for qualified veteran owned businesses.

The Housing Authority of The City of Augusta, Georgia

BY: Jacob L Oglesby, Executive Director



Youth Sports Center at Dogwood Janitorial Proposal Packet

J Madden Reid & T Allen Childs Maintenance Buildings Janitorial Proposal Packet

Hal Powell Proposal Packet

Peabody Apartments Janitorial Proposal Packet


Area Offices and Buildings Proposal Package

Dogwood Terrace Office Proposal Packet